SMS Gateway Emulator

SMS Gateway Emulator

1. What is SMS Gateway Emulator?

It is a free Android app that emulates APIs of popular SMS gateways like Twilio, Plivo, and Vonage (Nexmo). Turn your phone into a personal SMS gateway and send messages using popular SMS gateway APIs.

Hereafter, it will be referred to as it, the app, or the Emulator.

2. What is the app for?

3. Is it free?

Yes. It is free to use. Ads will be displayed based on the number of messages sent.

Note: Carrier SMS charges may apply depending on your mobile plan.

4. How to use it?

There are 2 ways to emulate an SMS Gateway API.

  1. Change the API url directly.

  2. Via our Proxy Server. Your will need the CA certificate (sms_gateway_emulator_ca.crt) to do so.

  3. There are two ways to trust the CA. The first one is in the code, and the specific implementation depends on the gateway's SDK. The second way involves installing the certificate in the system, which might simplifie the code. Both are not always effective, depending on the language and SDK. For example, if the language and network library do not trust the system's certificate, installing it to the system will not be effective.

Whatever you do, make sure to change your credentials, such as API_KEYEMULATOR_API_KEY, SECRECT_KEYEMULATOR_SECRET_KEY, FROMEMULATOR_SENDER_ID.

5. What gateways are supported?

AfricasTalking, Bandwidth, Brevo (formerly Sendinblue), Infobip, MessageBird, Plivo, Telesign, TextLocal, Twilio, Vonage (formerly Nexmo), Zenvia.

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